Weekly Content On The JASON CREATES Blog
I love predictability and following routines. It calms my nerves and helps me stay organized. Here’s some of what you can expect over the next seven days (and beyond) on the JASON CREATES blog. Reminder: Things are fluid and always subject to change. –Jason
Jason CREATES Awards Show Notebook (Wednesday, July 15)
Awards Show Notebook will be a weekly feature on this blog. Get my takes on breaking developments, campaign season and all the big shows every Wednesday.
JASON CREATES TV Notebook (Thursday, July 16)
TV Notebook will be a weekly feature on this blog. Come back every Thursday for the latest on my favorite series, power players, castings and analysis.
JASON CREATES Film Notebook (Friday, July 17)
Film Notebook will a weekly feature on this blog. Expect notable news on upcoming flicks and classics as well as notable previews and reviews every Friday.
Reviewing The Headlines: LGBTQ Movies, Shows and Characters (Saturday, July 18)
A weekly feature on this blog. Every Saturday, you’ll find a comprehensive roundup of news and opinion on my favorite queer content and the folks who create it.
What I Watched Last Week (Monday, July 19)
Another weekly feature on this blog. Every Monday, I’ll recap the TV, film and sports action I consumed over the past seven days. It will include my thoughts and links to more information.
JASON CREATES Sports Notebook (Tuesday, July 20)
This will be a weekly feature on this blog. I’ll explore the biggest sports stories in Atlanta and the U.S. as well as the intersection of athletics and the LGBTQ community every Tuesday.